Another year down and updates.

So yeah, I haven’t posted in a while. A lot of things have been happening behind the scenes. I got older this week, 52 years now. Still don’t like getting older when I feel so young still.

So on to the update.

Second meeting with lawyer - ended as well as the first. But again new things were put out there - So here is what I now know:

  1. I can not do anything to protect the original name of The Vault of Metal. [ Further research into this 2nd opinion incoming. ]

  2. Raven the Devil, the name I want to move away from is now not an issue, and can be trademarked.

  3. I have to form a media company.

  4. My past interviews ARE something I can distribute to raise money.

However, as a result of the conversations I deleted and restarted 5 years of work and planning. Yes I tend to get mad first, then think of fixes later. The joys of a Brain injury. This is the one time I loathe some of what I deal with in my life. Most people see the walker or cane and think I am worse off due to the pain. No not really. I don’t honestly remember what being pain free is like after 24 years. As I say, “It is what it is.” - but the invisible timebomb inside my brain.

The trigger for it is not something I can easily predict. Some days it’s simple and easily avoided. Other days it comes out of the blue and my mental preparedness fails. And deleting dozens of files is a part of that. A quick moment of frustration when everything else tried, fails. Just as the wireless headphones I tore apart with my bare hands. The week I bought them, ripped in half - not broken off, torn. I hate anger blackouts. This is what the lovely blow to my head gave me 24 years ago. And why more often than not, I will go silent for long periods, while I recover and control my internal issues.

So …. back to the update part.

As a result of the above, I now have a whole new project to come up with. Page names may be changing. The podcast is now not the focus, but has to be an aspect of what I am wanting to do. I will be reaching out soon to my artists again about changes that I need to make. I have ideas, some recycled from the first idea, but finding revisiting ideas often makes them, at least to me - better.

So that is what has been going on there. Plus summer is not my best time of year still health wise. Humidity causes issues with my heart so I avoid it as much as I can. Work of course is an exception.

So what’s next? A Game stream for starters. I’ve linked my Twitch channel above, name will be changing soon to fit the new ideas. But Star Citizen has gotten it’s claws in me and I see a lot of potential there. What can I say, I have been a gamer since pong and the Atari 2600, and arcades. Zork to Ultima back in the day - now Star Citizen.

Once I figure out what I am doing on a PC instead of a Playstation that is ……

Check the new Facebook page for links and code for the free fly week event of 7/7/22.


My Own Worst Enemy


Setbacks and Frustratrions